Tuesday 5 January 2016

Organisation of Me

So I don't seem to be writing as much as I wanted to and I think it's because I like to be organised, with my paperwork at least. I was thinking about how I could incorporate the things that make me into me into my blog and I've come up with an idea.

Wednesday's and Saturday's will be about Slimming World, whether it is about my weigh in or a new recipe, or idea that I've found from going to group, maybe even the food I've been eating to keep up with Slimming World, it'll be posted on these days.

Sunday will obviously be a Church and gospel related day, for me it is important to really keep Christ in my life and most of the week it is hard to do that. However, this is what Sunday's are specifically designed for so that's what I'll keep a focus on,

Monday and Thursday I'll post about mummy stuff, house stuff, organisational stuff, mainly because I'm always trying to find new crafty things to do with Ava or new ideas to keep her entertained WHILST trying to keep my house tidy... doesn't always work though! But I shall try my best :D

This will leave Tuesdays and Fridays as my crochet project days! I am always doing something. Maybe even some times these things might merge on some days if I am doing something that I want you all to see but for now this is how my week will go!

Today is crochet day! I'm doing a temperature blanket for this year! Or rather two, because if I do one it'll be about 3.5m long! So I'm doing a nice lap blanket. Temperature blankets are apparently a really massive thing in America and I'm only just cottoning on to them now. But basically you take a colour of wool to a corresponding temperature and crochet a row in that colour. For now I have chosen a light blue for my 1 - 6 degrees CELSIUS, not Fahrenheit and I have 3 light blue stripes. My white will indicate a new month and days with an important birthday on them with have a sparkly stripe incorporated! I cannot wait to see what the finished product will look like! I'll take some photos and post them later!

I'm also working on a scarf for my Niece, late birthday present, but it is the 'daisy' or star stitch in a funky rainbow colour wool! I shall post pictures later on of the scarf and the temperature blanket idea. I need to work out my other colours first though!

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