Sunday 6 September 2015

The Finished Kitchen

I was going to stick some pictures onto the walls of my house kitchen, make it look a little more real but since I'm renovating it to be played with they'll only get pulled off or something.

Last night I finished my flooring, inbetween getting up with Little Miss because she wasn't feeling well, and at about 11:30pm both Ava and I placed the flooring down and she loved it! I really enjoy watching her playing with the house and that's what it is all about really. 

Today in the post we got the dolls house bedroom set for the children dolls and it's so cute. It has a rocking horse and a rocking chair! Ava loves playing with those. Now I only need the living room set and the dining room set. All the sets are pink but instead of decking the whole house out in pink I'm just going to nail varnish or paint the items for each room the colours to match the decor. Ava won't mind and it'll all look a lot better. 

I'm away on holiday next week (woohoo!) so instead of posting updates on how the house is doing I'm going to post daily inspirations on each of the rooms I've got left to do. For now though, may I present the dolls kitchen... 

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